Sunday, July 04, 2010

Fuck Mexico!

The following is
the longer version
of a shorter post
at Mangan’s today:

I was born in Mexico, presently live in Mexico City, and my father is a fanatical nationalist (though physically he looks like an European!). However, there are some Mexicans who hate Mexico and want it conquered by a higher culture. You won’t believe how popular Germany was among some Mexicans in the 1930s…

What Mexico and the U.S. need is exactly the opposite of what’s happening today with the mestization of states like California. Let’s never forget Kendall’s communication to Andrew Jackson telling him that someday Anglo-Saxons will be majority in Mexico, and that this would improve that country.

I’ve started to look at Mexico’s history from the viewpoint of conflict among ethnic groups.

Before the Spanish conquest, the Amerindians committed unbelievable, heinous cruelties even with their own children, cruelties unheard of in the West as you can see in my online book.

After the Aztec Empire was crushed by Cortés and Carthaginian peace established (what we should do with Islam today) there was a moment when New Spain, under white Spaniards in the 17th century, was more prosperous than its English counterpart at the north.

The first independence movement of 1810 in Mexico was crushed by Spain and it only succeeded when white Criollos took up the independent flag. But in the long run the continuing miscegenation ruined the New Spain project (Roman Catholicism is the culprit here: it has never been conscious that race matters). This was to be expected since the Spanish themselves are the most mestizo country in Europe, with bloodlines that go back to Carthaginians, Visigoths and even some Moor blood. Paradoxically, the influx of Jewish blood from the conversos benefited the crown since the late 15th century due to their higher IQs (the successful Inquisition gives the clue of how to deal with them in the future once the Zionist Occupied Government is identified and taken out of power in America).

We had the Inquisition in my native town too. But what then happened in Mexico is the perfect textbook case of what happens when thoroughgoing miscegenation takes place within a nation. After the epidemics decimated the Amerindians in the 16th century and Mexico City—together with the other jewel of the empire: Lima in Peru—looked like the beginning of a new world order for the Americas, who would say that the surviving Amerindians would proceed to breed profusely and overwhelm the Iberian whites with the inundation of an army of brown human ants?

Yes… studying the history of Latin America is good for WASPs. Remember the 1954 film starring Charlton Heston telling the story of an attack of army ants on a Peruvian cocoa plantation? Unless you guys ruthlessly and thoroughly reverse your liberalism and impose what Alex Linder calls “a racial dictatorship,” what happened here down the South, the rise of a marabunta of Neanderthals, will happen, again, to you.

Alas, what Linder wants is not going to happen. The entire Western world, including the U.S. under a chimpanzee, is at present under the grip of the new secular religion known as liberalism.

Didn’t Hegel say that history only teaches us that man learns nothing from history?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The racial and class divisions in Mexico are deep and apparent to anyone there not living in a gringo enclave. It's basically a caste system where the whiter you are the better. Fox, Calderon, Salinas and Zedillo sure don't look mestizo to me. Carlos Slim is of Lebanese extraction. The lead actors in the telenovelas are all white as snow. Even the billboards have few people on them who look like the "average" Mexican. There is a lot of seething resentment. Of course all of this is vehemently denied by those with the money and power. But then they're all corrupt to the core. It's like this. For my family and friends everything. For strangers nothing and for my enemies the law. Or a bullet.

AMDG said...

Roman catholicism has the best answer to the race issue. Differences are natural and acceptable and they cannot be erased. But ultimately, in front of the Trinity, all are equal.

In summary, it is fine the Mexican whites prefer to intermarry and it is fine they marry people from races. But neither way should not be enforced.

Chechar said...

About my comments above that “there are some Mexicans who hate Mexico and want it conquered by a higher culture” and that “Let’s never forget Kendall’s communication to Andrew Jackson telling him that someday Anglo-Saxons will be majority in Mexico, and that this would improve that country,” for some reason my reply to just shoot didn’t pass through at Mangan’s. Below I include just shoot’s comment and my reply:

@ “Nuh, uh, Chechar. We are NOT going to come to Mexico and civilize it. We've learned our lesson and unshouldered the White Man's Burden.”

That’s not the plan.

Once this Euro-American liberal horror show has crash-landed, the whole thing in the Third World will fall apart. No more Haiti-like, deranged altruism down the south. With the breakdown of our economical world order, mass starvation will spread like a wildfire across the southern hemisphere, Mexico included, which will eventually end up in horrific chaos: sort of Mad Max bad guys fighting the “good” warlords in a failed state.

Only after the brownish population is duly decimated beyond the truly apocalyptic levels of the 1348 Death Plague in France will a new generation of surviving Americans cross the Rio Grande to fulfill Kendall’s wishes.

Robert said...

Is Mangan's blocked again?

Chechar said...

Has it been previously blocked? (I only meant that Dennis didn’t let pass my latest comment, perhaps because it was off topic.)

Robert said...

Yes. He was blocked by blogger before.

Chechar said...

I am shocked. Why????

Anonymous said...

The Indian and mestizo nature of the Mexican population certainly don't help, but they aren't the sole cause of the problem either. Populist socialism will ruin any country, regardless of the racial mix. Peron did a hideous number on Argentina. Huey Long established a virtual dictatorship in Louisiana, with only white people voting. And of course Long's "Every Man A King" program was just a more aggressive example of the politics of poor whites throughout the US.

My feeling is lower class Mexicans absorbed a lot of attitudes of white trash Americans- resentment, laziness, anti-intellectualism, a sense of aggrieved entitlement- through proximity and traveling back and forth to the US.

Robert said...

Mangan is back.

Afonso Henriques said...

"who would say that the surviving Amerindians would proceed to breed profusely and overwhelm the Iberian whites with the inundation of an army of brown human ants?"

Brown human ants? And you're Mexican...
Okay, in my view this comment of yours shows such a degree of disrespect that I wouldn't usually bother to reply but once I'm getting drunk on Port wine and you pass as intelligent under some lights I will annoy you a little here, if you allow my comment to be published, and show that you're wrong, as so often you are.

At the first paragraph:

Your father is white and is a Mexican Nationalist. Guess why? Whites rule Mexico albeit Mexico is a third world country. By the way, when you say higher culture you actually mean superior race, otherwise people like your father would enjoy to see a truly Hispanic Mexico instead of the miscenated and heavily indigenous as well as living-on-North-American-aid mess that Mexico currently is, and has been for the last 150 years or so.

The rest:

1) Yes, New Spain was somewhat like 40% white and it was very rich and successfull. Unlike the virgin territories of the North.
But it was not "a moment". Mexico always was "better" than the U.S.
The U.S. only left what currently is Mexico behind after massive waves of European immigrants settled there in the XVII century and virtually transplanted European Civilisation (and peoples, of course) to the Eastern shores of America. A thing that Mexico couldn't do as effectively due to its always significative indian presence. Also, it would take a while for those Europeans in what is now the U.S. would become more powerfull than Mexico: They had many challenges to go through, challenges Europeans in Mexico never faced.

2) Don't blame Roman Catholicism for the racial impureness of Mexico. Be real. Don't you know there were always much more white men than white women in New Spain? That's bad colonisation in which families were not brought.
Also, blame your Spanish soldiers who did not respect Catholicism and went on taking Indian slaves/concubines.
Also, Mestizos and Indians started to reproduce much faster than whites. Or are you going to tell me that it was "normal" to see white women with non whites in New Spain / Mexico? Or that Europeans didn't prefer European women in Mexico?

"This was to be expected since the Spanish themselves are the most mestizo country in Europe"

This is purely nonsense. In what terms?
I wonder if you know what you're talking about. France is Celtic, Germanic, Roman... England is Celtic and Germanic... Italy... we have the Etruscans, the Greeks, the Germanics, the Latins, the Celts...

And let's not even talk about Eastern Europe, or the Southeast. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. If you have doubts, look at the Spanish team in the world cup.

Your claim about benefical mixing with the Jews is ridiculous. Prove it!
Prove me that Spaniards are significantly mixed with Jews! You know nothing about Spain, do you?

Chechar said...

"This was to be expected since the Spanish themselves are the most mestizo country in Europe"
This is purely nonsense. In what terms?

In the sense of non-Caucasian, non-European (e.g., Moorish) blood of course.

Had the swarm of Indianized mestizos bred astronomically and destroyed all of your town’s nostalgic referents, you might start comprehending the Mexican whites who, like me, are fed up of them. (My father on the other hand idealizes the Indians; haven’t I the right to be fed up of him?).

Iceman said...

Northern European Whites could NEVER thrive in Mexico because it is too far south. The climate alone prevents any widespread Northern European settlement there - same with much of South America. The closer to the Equator you live the fewer Northern Euro Whites you will find. The climate makes them too tired and sick, and prevents normal reproductive patterns.

I'm surprised the semi-Arabized, semi-Moorish, and semi-Jewish Spaniards lasted as long as they did that far south under that much solar radition. Tough men they were. But again, they had to breed with Indian natives because European women would've fared even worse that far down south.

Read THE EFFECTS OF TROPICAL LIGHT ON WHITE MEN - - this is why European, and especially Northern European, colonization has ALWAYS failed when you get close to the equator.

Even in Southern California, the American South, and other more southerly latitudes you will not find too many Northern Europeans nowadays - the heat is just too much for the Nords to bear.

Chechar said...

@ Northern European Whites could NEVER thrive in Mexico because it is too far south. The climate alone prevents any widespread Northern European settlement there...

With all due respect, this is rubbish. I have lived in Houston: far more hotter than Mexico City in the summer —far more. And even a whole summer I spent in Marin County in California was warmer than the Mexico City summer.

Rassenhygieniker said...

I just found out your blog and would have liked to comment on two points.

"Chechar said...

my father is a fanatical nationalist (though physically he looks like an European!)"

Just like Robert Rodriguez.


"Chechar said...

However, there are some Mexicans who hate Mexico and want it conquered by a higher culture. You won’t believe how popular Germany was among some Mexicans in the 1930s…"

There was the same thing amongst Argentinians:


By Jeane DeLaney

"Quite simply, the Generation of 1837 saw European immigration as the cornerstone upon which the new Argentina would be built. Like Rivadavia before them, these intellectuals viewed Northern European immigration as the remedy for Argentina’s economic and political ills. Accordingly, Alberdi believed, the government should encourage the immigration of Anglo-Saxons in order to "fit the population to the political system we have proclaimed." Anglo-Saxons, he proclaimed, "are identified with the steamship, with commerce, and with liberty, and it will be impossible to establish these things among us without the active cooperation of that progressive and cultivated race." Spanish immigrants, in contrast, were unwelcome and would only compound Argentina’s difficulties."


By Christina Civantos

"These men specifically indicated that the immigrants whom they wanted were Northern Europeans; although they themselves were of Spanish descent they considered the Iberians to be of inferior stock. Ironically, the bulk of those who actually emigrated to Argentina as a result of this project were Spaniards, Southern Italians, and, as the third or fourth largest group, Syro-Lebanese."